Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Bartlet puppet shows are presented every Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Karin used to take Kevin as often as they had the time available, though Preschool interfered greatly in the past three years. It has never worked out that I could attend one of these shows, but today was the day! Those who wish to, can drop a letter to Bartlet in his mailbox, and all letters are read at the end of the show. Kevin drew a two-sided picture (which he called a "card") for Bartlet and composed this note which I penned for him: "Dear Bartlet, I think your show is great! I hope you have a nice day. Love, Kevin" (in his own signature). Two little friends of Heather's joined us for the outing.
Below, Bartlet is complaining about his bad hair day in the rain. Kevin's blonde head and light blue shirt can be seen at the edge of the stage.

The story for the month of June is "The Little Red Hen." Children are chosen to come up on stage to assist in the telling of the story. Each is given a puppet or simple costume for acting out their part. It was a very entertaining story with good involvement, yielding a valuable double lesson that hard work and helping others is rewarding.

Then it was time for the mailbox, and guess who was chosen as the Mailman?!!! Initially, I wasn't sure what was going to happen as he was tongue-tied when asked his name. Once he got "Kevin" out, he relaxed and did GREAT! Later he told us that he had never been on Bartlet's stage before!!!

As the Mailman, he held the letters while Miss Polly took one at a time and read it to Bartlet.

The second letter Miss Polly took from the stack was Kevin's, because he placed it on the top. He could hardly contain himself!!!

Miss Polly is opening the letter and card.

Miss Polly got to the bottom where she learned it was from Kevin!!! :)

She held the picture up for Bartlet to see. Bartlet was very pleased with the artwork. Kevin said, "I knew he would like it!"

Kevin is waving goodbye to Bartlet.

Then everyone gave Kevin a round of applause for doing such a good job!

The show ended with a rendition of Twinkle Little Star sung in a low key. This picture was snapped after Kevin began singing in a more comfortable range an octave higher, with his sweet little voice standing out in the crowd!

He continued to sing an octave higher. Unfortunately, it did not occur to me until the last line of the song that I should have been videoing it!!!

As we left the building, I told Kevin, "Your Mommy would have been SOOO proud of you today!" He replied, "She IS proud of me!"


  1. What a special event! I am sure Kevin enjoyed his moment on the stage. I certainly could have used this at his age because I was quite shy then. Glad you were able to enjoy being with him too.

  2. Just like old times...seeing Kevin at a Bartlett show. I'm glad you are there this week. Enjoy!

  3. So very sweet and precious. What a little angel. I am glad you are there for these important conversations.
