Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Excitement of Moving (right...)

Today was major packing day. Steve and I worked like beavers (Kevin liked that phrase!). Kevin desperately wanted to help, and he did to some extent. Here he is packing himself.

The vacuum is out because I managed to spill salt everywhere!

Steve saw on yesterday's blog that Kevin cried when I left him at school and told me that Kevin was about in tears every day this week when he left him at school. Steve thinks the reason is the move. So I asked Kevin if he is upset about the move. "Yes. We just moved here, and now we are moving again." I told him that it will be so much better for him! He won't have to drive so far to and from school every day, plus he hasn't met any friends here, so there is no one to miss.

At lunchtime when we bowed our heads, Steve began to pray, and then Kevin cut in!!! Just like in the old days!!!! He has not prayed since Mommy died!!!! He prayed, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for our food. Thank you for Mommy, and thank you for the new flowers someone gave her. Thank you that we are moving close to my school. Amen." WOW!!!! Hallelujah!!!!

Around 1:30, we left our packing job, because -- (1) Steve's friend Aly (who has a 3 yr. old daughter, Maggie, whom Kevin loves) had volunteered to watch Kevin while we packed which never happened! ha! She lives in a neighborhood of small California style cottages in deep woods. Hardly anyone has any grass! Love it! We stood on her deck chatting while Kevin and the dogs played. He found this stump to climb on --

(2) Steve had to pick up the new apt. keys. (3) I wanted him to show Kevin and me the model of the house he is building. Aly and Maggie joined us. Kevin LOVED it, and played and played. As you can see, he jumped right in the bathtub full of Easter grass and bath toys. LOL

We couldn't get him out of there!!! When we told the realtor that Kevin loved the Easter grass bathtub, he said, "It gets them just as clean."

The house is beautiful with wonderful big windows everywhere and very high ceilings.

This is a back view of Steve's lot taken from the front of the model home.

This is the lot from his cul-de-sac looking back at the model home. As you can see, no house is behind him -- only the entrance to the subdivision. I can't believe no one has taken this lot yet!

The large blue building beyond the model home is the elementary school where Aly teaches!

The afternoon became extended, so they did not return home with me. Their single parents' group was having a potluck dinner tonight with children. So I came home alone to finish the packing. Ugh!


  1. Wow! Okay, I'm TOTALLY doing that bath tub with Easter grass thing this year! SO much fun!!! : ) (Model home or no model home, it's still a great idea! : )

  2. I agree with Noelle -- Easter grass in the tub this spring! And praise the Lord for Kevin's prayer -- how encouraging!
