Monday, March 29, 2010

Art and Egg Day

Grandma prepared a set of Resurrection Eggs ( to teach/remind Kevin of what Easter is about. It probably has been two years since he has heard much about the Easter. Last year, Kevin's birthday fell on Easter Sunday, and Daddy took Kevin to Walt Disney World for the week.

When Kevin awoke this morning, the eggs were hidden and he had to find them.

Yes, he is standing on the dining room table to retrieve this egg!

Each of the eggs are numbered 1 to 12. We opened them in order, learned about the contents, and read the Scripture verse to go with each one.

Here he is opening egg #12 -- an empty egg, because Jesus arose from the dead!

Kevin found this to be a very intriguing and fun game. He sorted the eggs in various ways and hid them for me to find.

We spent much of the day doing art projects. I had him create a cover for the Resurrection Egg carton using some of my scrapbooking letter stickers. (I can't believe I spelled the word wrong!!!!)

Kevin's former nanny, Heather, asked me if I would be part of a Flat Stanley project for her 3rd grade niece. Emmy's "Flat Emmy" arrived the day before Kevin! So it is this week that we must take Flat Emmy with us and photograph where she went. But... lo and behold... Kevin was to the do the same thing for himself on his spring break this week! So....we took a picture of Kevin to put on his "Flat Kevin".

In pulling out my Easter decorations, I found some of the crafts Greg and Karin had done as kids. I created patterns from two of Karin's projects for Kevin to reproduce, but they don't make construction paper like they did when my kids were kids!!!

Kevin made an Easter basket and a cracked egg with a chicky inside (too bad we took the photo on top of a yellow piece of paper so that the chick does not show up well!) -- just like his Mommy made many years ago.

He asked for some take and taped a series of papers together creating a banner which he hung (all by himself) from our staircase! Grampy even found Kevin's decorating skills amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Kevin's smile in his 'Flat Kevin' picture is so bright and natural!! You pack each day with lovely actions for yourself and everyone around you. What a full, full life. Abundant!!! =)
