Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kevin (and Steve) Arrived Today!

As I prepared the house for their arrival yesterday, I told Guinness that Kevin was coming. He was SOOO excited. He started looking around the house for Kevin. Later, when I returned to the house after running some errands without taking Guinny with me, he met me at the door with a placemat in his mouth -- the placemat from the spot where Kevin sat the last time he came to visit!

This morning, he passed through the garage with me and saw Kevin's car booster seat. He went bonkers and started running all around and into the yard looking for Kevin! So cute!!! :)

Our trip to Buffalo to pick them up was more eventful than we desired. First, the customs line at Lewiston was at least an hour, so we made a U-turn, went through Canadian customs and to the Rainbow Bridge. We were about a half hour late getting to them.

For lunch, we went to Anderson's -- Buffalo's best Beef on Kimmelwick and frozen custard (and homemade ice cream). Kevin is eating a bubblegum ice cream cone.

Within a mile of the border, a policeman pulled Grant over for going 74 in a 55. He had a friendly chat with Kevin too. After checking out Grant's record, he returned to the car wishing us a good day and a warning to slow down. We told Kevin that he was the reason the policeman had been so kind! At customs, the agent held our passports and joked with Kevin asking if he was Grant? Steven? Neena? Kevin? "Yes!"

Once Guinness saw Kevin, he was crazy. Kevin tried to find some shelter!

Then Kevin wanted to play frisbee outside with Guinness.

We looked at the globe to see where Kevin had traveled today.

Kevin was too entranced with the Egg Tree to eat his dinner. In identifying the different eggs on the tree he said there were four of one kind and three of another, which he then added together to get seven eggs! I was impressed!

After dinner, we colored Easter eggs. Since they will be leaving on Good Friday, we won't have a chance to do eggs unless we do them now. Then we can eat Easter eggs all week. :) Since he showed his math prowess at dinner, we did some more math with the 20 eggs we had for coloring.

Kevin did SOOO well with this project!!! I was amazed at his dexterity and patience! First we colored the eggs. He wrote his name on a few of them before coloring them. He wanted his name in cursive.

Then we had four different add-ons for the eggs: plastic sleeves that you place in boiling water, rub-ons, transfers using a damp cloth, and stickers. He did some of each and liked them all.

After finishing the eggs, he decided he was hungry (he had not eaten much at dinner). He ate a boiled egg, oatmeal and chocolate chip muffin, a banana, and two cups of milk!

Like his mother (and my mother), he has to be dramatic and pose!

His fingers were a mess from the egg dyes, but it was too late for a bath. I suggested that he help me wash the dishes, so he did! What a great job he did too! I am really amazed at his progression of skills! And his nails are clean! :)

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