Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fun in Burlington

Last night, Kevin requested that I hide the Resurrection Eggs again for him to find. So, of course, I did.

This morning, we went to the grocery store to use their Kodak PictureMaker machine and completed making Kevin's "Flat Kevin." We also picked out canned goods to take to a Food Pantry dinner tonight.

I needed to measure for an outdoor project, so Kevin did some measuring too!

Before lunch, I hid a few of our boiled, decorated eggs for him to find so that I could make egg salad sandwiches for lunch. It was only in the high 40s today, but bright and sunny, so we ate outside. Daddy thought we were crazy. But it was fun to have our first picnic! Kevin refused to eat at the table on the patio with Daddy and me.

After lunch, we went to Lake Ontario. We parked under the high tension wires and men were working on them. This man waved to us.

We took some Flat Emmy and Flat Kevin pictures.

Kevin played on the playground for at least an hour or more.

Flat Emmy and Flat Kevin are King Of The Mountain!

He is NOT a kid to be a loner! He talks to anyone and everyone asking if they want to play with him. Then he plays with them whether they really want to play with an unknown boy or not! He is such a manager. He was telling the kids which slide each of them was to go down. One of the play areas is a pirate ship. The largest section is not, but Kevin pretended it was a big pirate ship. I heard one of the kids telling him that is was not a pirate ship; the other play area was the pirate ship. ha!

We went to my favorite candy store for Kevin to pick out some Easter goodies. It was a tough choice! The Easter Bunny was there too!

This evening, Kevin and I went to a spaghetti dinner kicking off an Easter Food Pantry Drive. We dropped off our bag of canned goods at the door. As we bought our tickets, one of the ladies mentioned something about me being Kevin's Mommy. I quickly corrected her, and Kevin said, "I don't have a Mommy." Then I added, "And I don't have a daughter." He is very comfortable with expressing his plight.

I enjoyed my meal while Kevin colored at a coloring table with other children. A meager looking Easter Bunny made a very quick appearance -- too quick to even get a picture! But Kevin had fun, and we did something good for the community.

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