Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cathi's Aftermath

When I arrived home, I had this email from Cathi:

"Today was very interesting for me. I returned home shortly before 11 AM (from taking me, Nina, to the airport) to find that Duke knocked over the grey bins (things still packed from the floor project and not resettled) and had cans and dog bones all over the place. (smart doggie!!!) In Kien's room I found all containers that had treats in them GONE!! So I cleaned up what I could and then of course Gabe was starving, so I had Kien play while I nursed. Then, Gabe fell asleep so I helped Kien clean up and we ate lunch. Then, Gabe awoke right as Kien was going down for a nap, so I gave him a bottle. Then ... oh yes... it was BOTH of them that were ASLEEP!!
I began putting scrapbooking things away (also still in bins from the flooring project) and finished cleaning up Duke's mess while popping on facebook and email in between. Right as I got back into finding things to organize, Gabe woke up. I very quickly started a load of towels. Then, found that Gabe had the stickiest poopy ever! So, I nursed and put Gabe back to sleep. At 3:30 I woke Kien up and got him a snack to eat while on his sofa. NOW, the rules have changed. He can no longer have a snack in the family room. He dumped his goldfish all over and stomped on them crushing them into the rug and all over the floor. I made him sit on the sofa while he watched me vacuum them up. I also moved the rug over where his toy box was (and did a MAJOR vacuum) because I am afraid he is going to ruin the floors by being IN the toy box dumping --throwing-- toys on the floor. At least with the rug, it has some sort of cushion. Well, in moving the rug I then -unbeknown to me- touched my eyes and then my eyes itched terribly and watered badly. *SIGH* "

Poor Cathi... However, I know she is wrongly accusing poor little Kien! He would not have dumped his snack and stomped on it!!! Duke must have done it!


  1. Ha! Wrongly accusing Kien? Oh please! Refer to Proverbs 22:15

    He did however make up for it when I was putting the light stand behind the sofa and said ever so thoughtfully, "Be careful Mommy, Be careful Mommy"
    I love this child!

  2. Nina, your comment is hilarious! So funny--it really makes me laugh. I suppose that even a little angel like Kien--and he does look like an angel--can be mischievious. And he does have a heart full of love. Cathi should probably put up the scrapbooking, far away, because I can't imagine how she will find time to do it for the next, oh say, 5 years!
