Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday!

Grampy with the boys at home.

Daddy with the boys at church.

Daddy is asking here, "Do we look alike?" LOL

At church, Cathi wanted to try leaving Gabe in the nursery for the first time.

We stood in the hallway for about five minutes as he continued to cry. That was it! He came to church with us!

Gabe was passed down to Grampy,

And Grampy put him to sleep!

Grandpa and Grandma got the babies a new wagon for Easter. Daddy assembled it, and put the boys in.

Actually, we didn't expect that Gabe was old enough to ride in it, but he did just fine!!!!


After naps, I had a candy hunt ready for the kids. Jeremy set up an egg hunt outside for Kien, then Jeremy wanted one too, so Kien helped me hide the eggs for Jeremy.

Then Grandpa and Grandma took the little boys for another wagon ride; this time, we went all the way around the block. Gabe did great until we hit a big bump about 3/4s of the way. Then Grampy had to carry him the rest of the way.

Kien wanted to ride more of his toys after the wagon ride.

Kien asked to see pictures of Guinness my on computer, so, as I was looking them up, we saw pictures of Kevin at our house last week, and we saw the Easter Bunny pictures. Kien said, "Who is in that?" He KNEW it was not a REAL bunny, but a person in costume!!!! He is only 2 1/2!
We had Easter dinner at Greg and Cathi's favorite restaurant.

Brandy looked up YouTube videos of pieces her band is playing. We followed along on her French Horn music so that I could see/hear what she was playing.

The dogs and Kien love Grandpa.

Look at this awesome cake Cathi made! And we never got to eat it!!!

We had to say "good-bye" to our precious angels tonight as we are leaving tomorrow and will not be seeing them in the morning. :'(


  1. What a wonderful Easter day full of family! . . . and an ingenious cake by Cathi! : ) Worthy of the Walsh hall of fame! : )

  2. How special to get to celebrate Easter will ALL of your grandchildren!! It worked out that way for me, as it evolved. =) I'm still wondering whether you and Grant will figure some way to eliminate the travel, not that it's much of a problem.
