Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ribbons, Relatives, Relics, Restaurants, and Reading

This morning, I discovered that Kevin was decorating my house with ribbons! He had found some of my scrapbooking ribbons and decided we needed them to celebrate Daddy's birthday. I rechanneled that activity into helping me thread my ribbons in a ribbon container I bought a year ago.
Late morning, Uncle Gary, Aunt Ellen, and Cousin Natasha came to visit. Kevin gave them a tour of his artwork/handiwork all over my house. And Natasha did some coloring with him.

We all went to lunch at Swiss Chalet and Aunt Diane met us there.

Daddy requested that I take Kevin to a dollar store to spend his Tooth Fairy money. He bought a bunch of fun things: a bicycle bell, a package of balloons for Daddy's birthday, a kaleidoscope, a fun ball with a light inside, a recorder (that was a bad idea... plus his Mommy's is in my piano bench), dinosaur figures, and a dirt ball containing dinosaur fossils which had to be excavated. He spent most of the afternoon on the excavation project. It was a pretty messy affair, so it moved to an outside activity quickly.

After a trip into the house, I had to wash off everything he touched -- including Guinness!! The next time he came inside, he went directly to the tub and his clothes to the washing machine!

This evening we had a special dinner at the waterfront to celebrate Daddy's birthday which is this coming Monday. We brought Flat Emmy and Flat Kevin along to be part of the fun.

A couple of days ago, Kevin helped me cut some branches off our forsythia bushes to bring inside. Today they were in full bloom! Kevin lined up all of his nature finds to show his relatives.

At bedtime, he picked out an Easter story we had not read yet and "Make Way for Ducklings" because we have seen Mallard ducks several times this week (Yesterday, we saw a pair of swans building a nest!). After reading "Make Way for Ducklings," he commented that he really liked that story and asked if we could read it every time he comes to visit! :)

1 comment:

  1. Some sweet spring memories! (I'm jealous about the Swiss Chalet lunch.)
