Saturday, October 3, 2009

Busy Saturday

As soon as I knew I was coming, I decided that we had to make Halloween cookies, and cupcakes, and some main dishes that could be frozen for Daddy to serve later. He nixed the chili idea right away. Can you imagine not liking chili?? Fortunately, Kevin enjoys helping in the kitchen, because we spent a good part of the day there!

First we placed the ingredients for beef stroganoff in the slow cooker. I gave Kevin the job of peeling the onion. I thought he would accomplish most of that job before the tears would start streaming. It only took one pull of onion skin to sense that there was a back bite to this job! Then we discovered that Daddy had thrown out the lid to the slow cooker since he couldn't figure out what pot it went to. :\ But another lid sufficed, fortunately. We made some Easy Chicken Noodle Soup with the remains of the rotisserie chicken from last night. Next we whipped up the sugar cookie dough and colored it orange. He did a fine job of counting out the drops of food coloring to create orange. Even though he is experienced at breaking eggs open, he managed to squirt a couple of them today. Out of practice, I guess. He liked the beaters.

While the cookie dough was chilling, we proceeded with making some orange cupcakes. That batter was a bit more moist and dripped on a shirtless boy. ha!

Daddy joined us for lunch outside, but the males didn't like the bugs and we ended up eating in the sunroom. Poor Kevin had 5 mosquito bites after being outside for 5 minutes. He is his mother's son! She also attracted the little critters.
After lunch, we tackled another job: the cemetery has not done well at establishing the grass on Mommy's grave. This time, we took some soil as well as grass seed and sprinkling cans.

But there was no water in the fountain, so we had to make a second trip back bringing our own water.

We sorted through most of Kevin's clothes and set aside the outgrown size 4s for Kien. We even took apart Kevin's little indoor trampoline to send to Kien along with the clothes, but the mailing store was closed.

We never did finish the cookies today. There is always tomorrow. We did frost the cupcakes,

then completed them with faces, though Kevin didn't want to use the candy corns I had purchased for the project.

And we ended the day with a trip to Target to be prepared for neighbor Gavin's birthday party tomorrow! Kevin scored a couple of prizes from Grandma too at Target.


  1. LOVE it all! You are such a good Grandma!

  2. Oh, the scene at Karin's grave is both beautiful and sad. I'm so glad there were so many Kevin-smiles with all of the other fun activities of the weekend! : )
