Friday, October 23, 2009


My days are spent in sessions/meals from 8AM to 7PM.

This morning, Kevin was eating some Halloween candy I brought for him and look what happened! The weather was much nicer (in the 70s!) than Daddy had expected, thus he didn't bring bathing suits. They went to the beach and had fun in the water anyway! They had dinner at Medieval Times and really enjoyed that.

Tonight, I gave Kevin a magnetic dinosaur "puzzle." Strangely, the magnets would not stick to the stainless steel applicances in the kitchen. Steve thinks they must be aluminum with a stainless steel finish. But the magnets did stick to the side of the fridge!

He had to sit/stand on the counter to accomplish this. BTW, it wasn't as easy as it might look, plus the names were in three pieces and he assembled them properly too! Of course, any normal little boy is then going to explore the rest of the counter while up there and find mischief.

I stuck him in the bathtub with a small bottle of my body shampoo. He made good use of it! LOL


  1. You delight in your grandchildren in ways similar to me, I think! Their interests and reactions are so precious and enlightening about THEM!!

    You do a better job of thinking of nice things to give them. I'm a blank in that area... :(

  2. WHERE did you get that dino puzzle!?! Got to get one for Leia (I'm thinking Easter)! : )
