Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sweet Sunday

Today started with rolling out the sugar cookies we made yesterday. WHAT A MESS!!!! I love this recipe -- they are yummy and the dough is easy to work with, but NOT today! It was soooo sticky!!! Someone at church asked if I used any ingredients that were a different brand than usual. That had to be it! I bought the cheapest flour! Never again!

While I was struggling with the cookies, Kevin ate a cupcake for breakfast. His sin gave him away.

The three of us went to church today. It was the first time Kevin and Steve have been there in a while. Steve was dreading the questions on how he was doing, but, once he was there, all was well and he enjoyed seeing so many old friends again! I was prepared with pictures in purse of Kien and Aria, as I knew there would be many questions about how they are doing.

Someone gave Kevin these flowers decorating the snack table to give to Grandma. They never quite made it home, but he had a lot of fun with them.

We had lunch at a favorite breakfast/brunch restaurant. Kevin insisted he was not hungry, but the last time we were there, he ate half of my waffle with strawberries and whipped cream, so I ordered a side of scrambled eggs to prevent starvation for either of us. He consumed all the eggs and part of my waffle and strawberries.

Mid-afternoon, Kevin attended a birthday party at The Little Gym for his neighbor across the street. Great place for a party!

Arriving home, we had a disaster: Grandma accidentally released Kevin's helium balloon. Oops! He was quite devastated in spite of assuring him we could get another one and trying to teach him the joy of watching a balloon float out of sight. But he recovered quickly, yet did not want to run right out for a new balloon. So we went inside and tackled one more culinary project: applesauce! I peeled the apples while he sliced and diced them! What a helper! And look how neat he was about lining up all the wedges before slicing them one more time!

After dinner on the sunporch, before the sun set, we made a quick hike to the frog pond to see our friends. None of them sang for us, but we saw several peek their eyes out of the green slime.

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