Monday, October 26, 2009


When we were almost home from the Beach Sunday afternoon, we stopped at Michaels to buy some new fall flowers for Mommy's grave. Kevin helped me arrange them into the holder designed to not blow out of the vase on the marker. Actually, he was a huge help in cutting the wire stems to the right size! He was better at doing it than I! When we arrived at the cemetery with our new creation, we discovered that someone had been there and had left a little ceramic pumpkin. How sweet!!! It is so comforting to know that we are not the only ones missing Karin. Sadly, someone had yanked the summer flowers out of the vase, pulling the styrofoam off the unique webbed plastic base leaving it stuck in the vase. It was impossible for us to pull it out, so we had to abandon our project for lack of a tool.

On the way home, we made a quick stop at Target, then Kohl's to find a Halloween costume. Kevin wanted to be a ghost, but Grandma had no time to make one and no ghost was available in those two stores, plus the costumes were picked over and sparse. Among the precious few left at Kohl's was a Spiderman that fit him and made him happy. Yay!

Daddy found some tools and returned with us to the cemetery, now in the dark. Kevin held the flashlights for Daddy to work.

Mission accomplished.

After picking me up from the airport on Thursday afternoon, on our way to Kevin's after school program, Steve commented that Kevin has not mentioned Karin in a long time. Oddly, as soon as we were home, Kevin and Steve went to the mailbox and Kevin said as he wandered in the plants around the mailbox, "I miss Mommy."

While at the Beach, I was telling Steve something about my sessions and included "da-daa, da-daa." Kevin piped up, "Remember how Mommy used to say 'blah, blah, blah.' That was so cute how she said 'blah, blah, blah.'"

Monday morning while saying grace at breakfast, Kevin interrupted Daddy's prayer -- just like he used to!!! I was so happy to hear him want to be part of a prayer again. He has not been willing to pray, at least in my presence, since Karin died. He prayed, "Help Mommy to get well," and Steve said, "She is dead." I reminded Kevin that Mommy is perfectly healthy and happy in heaven. So he said, "Can we tell Mommy that she has new flowers?"
I said, "Oh, yes! I often tell God to let Mommy know that we love her and miss her."


  1. Nina,
    There was just a discussion a few weeks ago on our AWAA yahoo group about how we all miss Karin. I never met Karin face to face, but I knew her and miss her. She was such support on our yahoo groups when we were waiting and then after our children were home. I was so touched once when emailing with Karin during the long wait after finding out about Kevin before they could take trip one. Even though I know that wait was so difficult for her, she was truly concerned about how I was doing in the wait for referrals.

    I so miss seeing updates on her and her family. I don't even know how I found your blog, but it is such a treat to once again get a few glimpses into her family. Thanks for continuing to share.

  2. Surely Kevin sees his mommy in you and in those ways is able to feel again her love, fun and zest for life when he's with you. If those who are gone interact with those still living, she's no doubt touching him through you, eh? Such great and wondrous mysteries!

    So glad you had this time. (((hug))))

  3. I certainly see Karin in you, Nina. Kevin's prayers and memories are precious!

  4. I'm so glad to see that Karin has lots of visitors! That will continue . . .
