Saturday, May 8, 2010

Big Day

This morning, I noted that Kevin is developing freckles on his cheeks and nose!!! Mommy had lots of freckles and Daddy has them too. I told Steve that it is uncanny how Kevin has picked up their genes by osmosis! He has their freckles, Mommy's ability to structure life, and Daddy's looks and blond hair.

Mid-morning, some of Daddy's single friends met at a strawberry patch very close to their old house.

Kevin and I picked two big baskets full!
Kevin had fun playing on this tractor and eating his homemade ice cream from the driver's seat.

Steve announced to Kevin on Kevin's birthday last month that they would get a golden retriever puppy. Today, we drove to the breeder's house to see ten five week old puppies. Kevin wanted me to write up this story for him as he dictated (basically) it to me: << We saw the mommy, Bebe, first looking over the gate. When we went upstairs, we saw ten little puppies running all around their pen.

The mommy entered the pen and the puppies ran to her for a drink. The puppies climbed over each other to get to their mommy.

The lady picked up a puppy for Kevin to hold. Kevin carried it to the couch and cuddled the puppy until he started to fall asleep in Kevin's arms. He was very soft, and Kevin said, "I want this puppy and I know he wants me.">>

I thought that we were there to pick a puppy, but the breeder selects the dog that is right for each family.
As we were leaving, Bebe was very sad to see us go!

Kevin wanted to meet some of the breeder's other dogs. She took us downstairs where there were three females.
Kevin's story continues: << When we went downstairs, we met three more dogs and a Cockatiel. Kevin played with the three big dos and they loved Kevin! Kevin sat on the couch and the three big dogs got on top of him and licked him. Then one got off, then another got off, then the third one got off.

Kevin helped to pull hair out of the shedding dogs and gave it to the lady until she had a fist full of hair. Daddy left a downpayment and the lady said we could come back Memorial Day weekend to pick up the puppy. >>

These acts are a testament to Kevin's character:

Daddy left us late afternoon (with the car) for a night out with friends. I suggested that we walk to a MacDonalds nearby. On the way, he saw Courtney's across the street -- one of our favorite breakfast/brunch places. He wanted to go there. I ordered a Tilapia green salad, and he ordered a pasta, but he ate most of my Tilapia! This kid has class!

After dinner, we walked along the lake next to their apartment. He saw a soda can and a chip bag a few feet away. He wanted to pick them up, but I tried to persuade him that we could not clean up the trash without a bag to put it in. He used his ingenuity and placed the can in the chip bag. A few feet farther on the path, there was a trash can. He is always concerned about everything being in its place (except his toys...).

Then he proceeded to pick up treasures to bring home: leaves, sweet gum ball, pinecone, and rocks. He was limited in bringing home only what he could carry, though he eventually stuffed the rocks in his pocket to be able to carry the pinecone. I suggested he put them on the balcony. Here he is very neatly arranging his prizes.

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