Thursday, May 13, 2010

School Work and New Friends

This morning, I awoke Kevin with a story I had recalled about being late once to pick his Mommy up from kindergarten. :\ I had gone shopping at Target and was stopped by a long, slow train on the way from the store to the school. She was traumatized. After that, I always made sure I had enough time to travel to school even if a train held me up! When I galloped into the school yesterday, made my apologies to the teacher, I then had to ask where Kevin was. He did not come running to me, scolding me, nor race to me delighted that I had finally shown up! He was sitting quietly on a cushion in a corner looking at a book. He gave the opposite reaction to what his mother had done! Then he proceeded to show his teacher and me what he was looking at in the book -- unusual.

As mentioned before, Kevin is learning to multiply! :-0 The "flashcards" from school he showed me are for multiplying single digits. He has been bringing home similar papers this week, but they made no sense to me. So I took yesterday's to his teacher this morning to ask what it meant, as it seemed to me Kevin was very confused. It was Grandma who was confused! These papers are about multiplying DOUBLE digit numbers with single digit numbers!!! Oh, my! I am so impressed!

This one is 89 times 1 = 89 (with a reversed 9), plus he has the graph paper upside down. But who cares if the paper is upside down or the number backwards?! He gets the concept!!!

This time he neglected to write times "2" and wrote the answer in the "wrong" boxes, but he has it right!

On this paper he reversed the number to be multiplied, so rewrote it and solved the problem perfectly! Note that he is also learning to write his name in cursive.

This afternoon, he brought home another multiplication paper. This time with a *triple* digit number multiplied by a single digit number! Wow!

Our children always loved seeing themselves in photo albums and on video, so I brought along with me a couple of family videos Karin had taken -- one of our trip to Walt Disney World in 2007 and one of Easter and Kevin's 4th birthday. I showed him the birthday one today. Unfortunately, Karin was the videographer of the family, so you hear her voice but rarely see her. He loved it so much that he wanted to see it again!

How often do two women meet in a park, one being about 25 years older than the other, each with a 6 year old boy, and trade emails to have a future play date? Then, when the older woman writes with a suggested day and time, the younger woman asks the grandma and child to dinner!!?? Well, that is what happened with Fabienne and me. It was a sweet visit! It must have been God-ordained.

After playing outside in their delightful, safe, and inviting surroundings, and having the typical ups and downs of 6 year olds, the boys sat down after dinner to watch TV.

Kevin and I had read his new Amelia Bedelia books this afternoon, and Kevin took them with us in the car. We spoke of them at dinner and explained who and how crazy she is. As we were driving away, Kevin saw them in the car and desperately wanted to go back to show his friend, but we had said our goodbyes and it was getting late. Tears ALL the way home... Ameilia Bedelia would be pleased to be so admired!


  1. That Montessori program is so impressive I am amazed at what Kevin is doing with the multiplication. I remember when Christo was about his age and figuring it out. He heard some older boys talking about multiplying at church and so he came home and experimented with it. He brought me his paper and asked if he had it right. He did and I realized that he had the concept in his little mind. It is amazing. Thomas and Hollye are hoping to get Ford into a nearby Montessori in Dallas. And I have a colleage whose 4 year old is in a program. It is so good.

  2. Annie begins Montessori in the fall! : ) I can't wait! It fosters such independence! : ) In regards to picking kids up late, I always lived in fear of that happening to me when I was little. I have only "forgotten" Leia one time, and that was the day the moving men came to move us out of Chapel Hill. I flew to school in fear of Leia being traumatized. Instead, she had her hands on her hips and said, "Mamma! You were late today!" No one was happier than me to get that lecture! LOL!
