Saturday, May 15, 2010

Grandma Went Home

Daddy arrived home after Kevin and I were sound asleep. This morning, Kevin awakened before sleepy Daddy, very early. We hugged and rocked, then he lay down on his bed and slept a bit more while I finished packing.

We had little time this morning to report on all Kevin had done during the week, but Daddy was very impressed with his son's mathematical abilities and amused by the note a teacher sent home in Kevin's lunch bag stating that Kevin would like to have Spaghettios one day (I packed them in his lunch the next day!). Grandma and Kevin hugged and kissed a dozen times saying goodbye. After Grandma left, they were going to prepare to go camping. What fun!

Aria's mother, Sarah, has joined the ranks of bloggers with witty accounts of her "Two in a Year" blog --
She wrote a post "To Some Mommies I Love" on May 8 which is very sweet. One of the Mommies described is Karin:
"Mommy K, whose grace, passion, and love for your children have surpassed this earthly life. Because of you, Chris and I were able to know true joy. I will forever be indebted to you. Your work here on earth enabled us to become a family. You are an angel."


  1. Sarah's dedication made me cry. I will add her blog to my "must read" list.

  2. What a wonderful spirit of gratitude and love. I'm sure that's so precious to you!!
