Sunday, August 1, 2010

Songs, Puzzles, and E.T.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that Kevin knows how to unlock the bathroom doors of my house -- from OUTSIDE the bathroom! I always lock the bathroom doors for privacy as he will try to come in. Yesterday, as I was getting out of the tub, I heard the door begin to open and slammed it shut! He had found a quarter and knew (because Daddy taught him) how to open the door. Ugh! Now what?!

We went to church this morning. I was very impressed with the nametag Kevin created for himself! Very reminiscent of his mother's writing with a ball at each end point!

After church, we went to lunch with the Toycens and two African young women -- one of whom had been interviewed by Dave Toycen (Pres. of World Vision Canada) as the "sermon" today.

We borrowed some DVDs, a CD, and a book from the church library. The CD is worship songs for kids which we played on the way home. He knows them all and sang along at the top of his lungs!

We finished the puzzle this afternoon!

And Kevin immediately started another one -- one of his parent's wedding photos. I don't think I have ever put this puzzle together, because we discovered that Karin's eyes were closed in the photo! Strange that she chose that shot. Must have been a mistake. Not at all like her!

We rented "E.T." and watched it this evening. Great flick! Kevin thoroughly enjoyed it. I told him that we have the movie for the week, so he can watch it again if he wants. He said he didn't want to see it again. I think perhaps it caused him some inner angst as he has called to me twice now since putting him to bed. Time to publish this post and lie in bed with him!

1 comment:

  1. ET always causes children "inner angst." No matter what, it's a sad ending. ; ) Gosh, Kevin looks SO cute with his teeth out!!! : )
