Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Kevin rearranged his masking tape creations today, attaching them all to the mantle plus adding a few other pieces of art. Lovely.

Steve and I had talked about taking Kevin to a toy store some evening this past week to find out what he is interested in for Christmas. He doesn't seem to know what he wants and we are clueless. For the past couple of months, he has survived with basically no toys as everything has been packed up for the house being on the market. His available toys have included a few books, crayons, MagnaTiles, and that is basically it. Of course, with school and after school, he is at home only a precious fews hours in a day.

We never made it to a toy store, but Grampy and Kevin went to Michael's with me today to find winter flowers for Mommy. We passed a ToysRUs and couldn't resist. Well, Grampy could have resisted, but he was a good sport (well, mainly a good sport). Kevin found a half a dozen things that I put on my list as potential gifts. He liked this $150 D-Rex. But $150??? (sigh)

We gave Mommy her new flowers. Yesterday, we added a couple of solar lights to illuminate her resting place at night.

Tonight, Daddy went to dinner with a friend, and the three of us went to O'Charleys where Heather (former nanny) likes to go. We called (no answer) and emailed her (no response) to invite her to join us. Kevin cried crocodile tears! He was soooo disappointed that she did not respond. Finally, after we returned home, an email arrived saying she was shopping at a mall. You might know! LOL I hope she comes tomorrow, because Kevin had some gifts ready for her.


  1. The flowers are lovely but make me feel terribly sad as the anniversary of Karin's Home-going draws near. "My hope is in the Lord Who gave Himself for me, And paid the price of all my sin at Calvary. For me He died, For me He lives,
    And everlasting life and light He freely gives." Yes, "everlasting life and light" - that truth does cheer me. (I can almost hear Karin cheering from Heaven.) :')

  2. Tell Kevin that Leia got "Screature" (the dino biting his finger) for her birthday this year! : )
