Saturday, November 21, 2009

From Christmas to Butterflies

Today we worked on our Christmas craft for a few hours. I was amazed at how well Kevin stuck with it. It is fun, but does take a LONG time and a LOT of patience! Our finished products make it worthwhile. These could even make nice Christmas gifts!

Kevin removed the sticky mosaic pieces from this card in the shape of an elephant! Wow! Creativity at both ends of the project! It would never occur to me to remove the pieces to create a picture!

We finished the large tree!!!! True accomplishment!

Isn't it pretty?

Here are our completed decorations: four small projects and one large one! Two more big ones to go! Maybe tomorrow...

For a break, he ran around, at a Grandma-approved acceptable speed, with his flag from Medieval Times.

Another project we worked on was finding pictures of James (a cat). He commented to me, "I miss James. He was my best friend, and I don't have any pictures of him." I told him that I have lots on my computer and that I will show him. He asked if he could have some printed. "Of course!" So we went through the photos and found enough to make a little album about James.

Kevin wasn't thrilled about going grocery shopping with Grandma (and Daddy was out) until the neighbors invited him to play outside, saving him from the boredom of food shopping.

Before dinner, Daddy and I started to pack up the videos. We found the Christmas and Thanksgiving ones and watched "A Christmas Story" as we ate.

After watching the short Thanksgiving ones, he continued to work on the one box Daddy had told him he could have (Although, you can't believe how difficult it was for him to leave the other new boxes alone!!!! aaarrrgggghhhh!!!! LOL) He told me he wanted to make a butterfly. Huh? He was cutting holes for his feet, and I realized that could possibly be detrimental to the new carpeting, so gave him a hand. He wanted arm holes too. I assisted with that, but I don't think he looks like a butterfly yet. He thinks he needs to color the box to make it look more like a butterfly. We'll see... I don't seem to be grasping this picture. ha!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, yet another craft that I HAVE to get for the girls!!! What was it called & where did you get it?!? (A great gift idea!!!) I LOVE Kevin's creative butterfly!
