Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tooth, Church, and Sisters

Kevin lost a tooth at the end of October at Myrtle Beach. But the Tooth Fairy forgot to come! Then Grandma inadvertently took the tooth home in her suitcase. I brought it back; we put it in his Tooth Fairy pillow Friday night under his pillow, and the Tooth Fairy forgot again! Kevin was sure that it was because it was under his pillow, so he left it beside his pillow last night.

Daddy was still out when I went to bed. To remind him, after Kevin was asleep, I planted a toothbrush trail to the Tooth Fairy pillow which I placed on top of a stack of pillows on his bed. The Tooth Fairy came through!!!!

Kevin awoke to find something sticking out of his toothfairy pillow.

$20!!! I told him that the Tooth Fairy must have given him a bonus for having to wait so long for his reward. First he asked how the Tooth Fairy has money. We discussed possibilities Grandma has heard of making things like lamps and jewelry boxes out of teeth, or maybe donors give money as to the Tooth Fairy for the purpose of compensating children for having lost a tooth. Now he wants to know how he can make more money! A natural Capitalist in spite of being born in Russia! I told him to talk to Daddy about that.

When it was time to leave for church, Kevin decided he didn't want to go. It took some cajoling and praying to coax him into coming along. Once he was there, all was fine, except he wanted me to stay with him during his church-time program -- something that was not uncommon through last fall. But I was very happy to be a part of his awesome class! The lesson was on David and Goliath. The teacher did a fabulous job of relating to the kids and involving them in the story. After the lesson, the kids lined up to march like soldiers.

After the teacher led around the room, he asked Kevin to be the leader.

We both had fun seeing old friends and chatting and playing.

This afternoon, Steve's friend Debbie came over with her dog and two girls -- Devon who is Kevin's age and Dylan who is almost 3. The kids get along very well with each other and have a raucous, good time. They stayed for dinner, and I finally remembered to take some shots before they left.

Kevin is having a meltdown here because they are leaving. He is crying, "I want a sister!"

1 comment:

  1. Kevin's "surprised face" upon finding the Tooth Fairy loot is precious! . . . and so is the fact that he wants a sister! (could happen!) : )
