Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tears, Wrestling, Drawing, and Reading

Guinness and Jack LOVE each other. They are having so much fun playing! I said to Steve today that I think I will take Jack home with me. ;-)

During this morning's wrestle, Guinness was top dog, and Jack rolled on his back to succumb to Guinness. I assumed that established that Guinness had the highest pecking order, but then, Guinness laid down on Jack, made Jack squirm out from under him, then Guinness rolled over and let Jack be the winner! True love!

I stayed for the first part of school this morning again. When Kevin was busy with his first assignment for the day, I said goodbye, and he cried. ugh! And he cried. And wouldn't stop crying! Good grief! It wasn't like I was going to go to the airport and fly away. I am here for another week! The teacher had to intervene so that I could leave. When I came back to pick him up, the teacher said that he was very upset for a while after I left. Why?! Anyway, I said, "I plan to tell him that I cannot stay with him anymore if he is going to cry." The teacher suggested that I come for lunch some day; that he would love that. I don't think I dare to!

After school, Kevin got into the doggie wrestling act.

I brought some of Karin's childhood books for Kevin. Among them are some Ed Emberley drawing books. I wasn't sure Kevin was old enough for these, but he is! In fact, he adds his own embellishments to the drawings. Here are some samples with the drawing guide on top and Kevin's art below:

All of these animals -- the spider, the ants on a blade of grass, the caterpillar, the bat, the dog, the lion -- were drawn according to Ed Emberley's instructions.

Before bedtime, I noted that full moon outside was orange!!! So I hustled Kevin outside to see it! For a bedtime story, I read one of Karin and Greg's Halloween books which I brought from our attic. Then he read one of his I-Can-Read books to me. Wow! He was doing well, though stumbling, six weeks ago. He needed NO help tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Did you happen to show him Jupiter, too? It was the only thing in the sky brighter than the moon! It's passing at its closest point to earth in many, many years! AWESOME! Also, I am going to look for those drawing books for Leia (maybe for used copies). They are PERFECT for simple drawings. The others we have are too advanced. Sorry about the crying at drop off. Kevin just loves you, that's all. : )
