Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Begins

I flew to NC today to pick up Kevin for the holidays.

Fearing Karin's wreath will not stay on the stand without being secured to the wreath rack without twist-ties, I brought some in my purse and stopped at the cemetery after leaving the airport. It had blown off, and the stand had one leg out of the ground with the other two legs remaining planted. When I tried to reposition the stand, the ground was frozen! I could *not* push the third leg into the soil. I began praying, then searching for some implement to use. The only thing I found in my purse was a CN Tower plastic stir stick.

I knew it was impossible to use something so flimsy, but I had no other option. I prayed with all my might, "God, help me, help me, please help me get this in!" I spoke my prayer aloud pleadingly and repeatedly. God answered my prayer! I pushed the stick in and out of the frozen ground bit by bit until it penetrated the crust 1 to 2 inches!!! God truly DOES care about the little things in our lives!!! It was nothing short of a miracle!

I had arranged to have dinner with Heather tonight. Steve joined us as well. Children never have trouble finding something to do. Playing with Daddy's hood was fun.

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