Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reviewing Mommy's Funeral and Dinner with Friends

When I awoke Kevin this morning, he was very groggy and asked to be rocked! Grandma LOVED that request!

After school, he asked to see Mommy's funeral pictures. When he was asking about Mommy's casket at the cemetery, I told him I had some pictures on my computer he should see.

The funeral service ended with a dedication of the babies, Kien and Aria. Karin was planning to have their dedication in January 2009, so I suggested that they be dedicated while Karin's body was present as well as so much family. Everyone loved the idea as these children plus Kevin are her legacy.

As Kevin saw these, he asked why he was not there! I told him Daddy did not want him to know about the casket at that time, and he was in the nursery with other children who did not attend the funeral.

He loved seeing Mommy's beautiful flowers, and I pointed out the red rose which was on each corner of her casket.

He wanted to know who took these photos, but I do not remember. Someone gave them to us.

I had told him there was a long line of cars forming the funeral procession to the cemetery and that Uncle Greg caught some good shots.

At the time, we said that Mommy would be loving what the police were doing for her! They raced past us, then stopped all the traffic at the next intersection until the procession had passed through. Then they sped past all of us again to the next intersection, doing that at at least five intersections.

This shows the police cars in the middle of the intersection stopping ALL the cars while our procession, led by Mommy's hearse, moved through! Impressive!

A picture of the cars arriving at the cemetery and a corner showing of the burial tent.

Here is the original post: http://karinupdates.blogspot.com/2008/12/karin-would-have-loved-this.html

Last Mothers' Day, I was with Steve and Kevin and asked that we have a picnic at a park after church. Kevin met Tristan at the park, and I met his mom, Fabienne. We have become friends. I brought Boston Market to their house for dinner tonight. The boys played together in a creek and came home wet and muddy! I had to run home for some clean clothes for Kevin. Here they are being silly at the end of our visit.

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of Kevin for handling such sad memories! Did you show him the Mickey wreath from the Furman Cottage gals? (We weren't too happy with the final product, but it's a Disney wreath nonetheless. The thought that counts, eh?) : )
