Thursday, March 10, 2011

Painting and Changing Life

This morning, Grampy called three times while I was fixing my face and hair with Kevin watching. The third time, Kevin said, "Why does he keep calling?" LOL Grampa heard and thought it was funny too!.

After school, the weather was nice enough to ride his bike. He has grown almost too tall for it!!! And, I think, he is ready to take the training wheels off, but I do not dare try to run after him to teach him to balance...

This evening, he worked on his first real painting project. It was a challenge, and we both learned from the experience.

Each evening, Kevin has a cry over a simple, dumb thing. It isn't worth the cry. I have been puzzled by this and have, regrettably, been less than supportive. Today it occurred to me that this is a result from all the trauma in his little life. Moving to the new house in Sept., then moving to Chapel Hill, and moving to another house in June, plus changing schools next year, with a new stepmother and two stepbrothers as well. Heavy, heavy change...

Speaking of new stepmother, today was the wedding in St. Lucia! We have not heard from the lovebirds.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Annie has a cry over a silly thing every night, too. For her, she just doesn't do well with tiredness. I pray that Kevin's life will be more peaceful these days.
