Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boxes and Trees

This morning, Kevin helped me unpack the kitchen boxes. He learned to rip open the tape with scissors. He was a great help!

Then his attention turned to the very fun boxes and paper for playtime! Too bad I didn't take a picture of the "sea" (his word) of paper he created, but you can just imagine. ;-)

It didn't occur to me that we would see Santa at the mall until we were on our way. Unfortunately, Kevin was not dressed for the occasion like the others, but he requested to see Santa, even if it meant standing in a long line. We ate first, then took our turn in line. During our 45 minute wait, I snapped some pictures of Kevin,

then gave him the camera to practice his photography skills.

Kevin seemed to like this little girl. He took several pictures of her and used jaunty angles.

And, finally, Santa!

He told Santa that he wanted a train for Christmas!

My copy of the portrait hanging on my tree at home:

After Santa, picking out a cookie.

I wanted a picture of the Elf hat from Santa, but he would not allow a picture to be taken of him with "big" ears! LOL

Daddy and I both noted this weekend that his face is becoming more round/full.

We went shopping for Daddy's gifts from Kevin. Earlier today, as I was setting up the kitchen, I came across the bowl which held the $20 from the Tooth Fairy from my last visit when the Tooth Fairy (with a little nudging from Grandma) finally remembered to visit him. When I reminded Kevin that he has $20 to spend, he said, "I want to use it to buy Daddy something for Christmas"!!! Brought a tear to my eye, and one to Daddy's too when I told him!!! However, I left the money in the bowl for Kevin to spend on himself someday.

Kevin, all by himself, picked out two items in the men's department for Daddy. Being his normal gregarious, helpful, extroverted self, he volunteered to help the clerk. After much conversation as she worked with another customer before completing our sale, she offered to let Kevin scan the barcode! As we left, he said, "I love you." How can anyone's heart not melt with that?! She told me, "He is the sweetest boy I have ever met!"

Later, Grandma tricked him and caught a shot with the hat on straight showing his BIG elf ears! ha!

We had to run out to a hardware store for supplies to hook up the dryer. Kevin was riding on the side of the cart as I pushed, let go, fell off, and landed in this position. He held the pose as if a statue, so, of course, I pulled out the camera!

With our work of the day done, we opened up the box with the pop-up tree! Karin bought this tree for our Beach Christmas week in 2006. That was such a wonderful week! We are so glad we took several family vacations! The pop-up tree was perfect then and perfect now for a Daddy moving to a new place just before Christmas.

Kevin wanted more decorations on the tree, so I scratched my head hard and remembered how to make paper snowflakes. Big hit!


  1. Such wonderful closeness and fun to be able to help with the move and getting some Christmas celebrating, too! Way to go, Grandma!

  2. It's wonderful that you are able to visit them so often! I'm sure it means a lot to Kevin to be able to see his grandmother who lives so far away as often as possible.
    My children would agree that the best part of moving is the boxes! Don't tell them, though, that the Tooth Fairy brings Kevin $20; she only brings them $2! :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. I'm so glad you were there to help with the move! And that pop-up tree looks astoundingly good! : )
