Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day began relaxed. Quite unlike our Walsh tradition of the children (and dogs) waiting on the stairs with impatient anticipation until the scene was totally set with Christmas music playing, Christmas lights lite, etc., then opening the stockings one at a time, and the gifts one at a time. Candy was a precursor to breakfast which came after presents. Who can wait for presents until AFTER a sit down breakfast?! This Walsh family does that! :-0 Of course, Santa is not a part of their scene, whereas, I am a HUGE believer, and Santa was central Christmas morning.
So we had a wonderful, leisurely breakfast of sausage and biscuits.

Then the gifts.

The stockings were hung on the sofa with care.

Greg set up the video camera so that we could see the gift opening on the big screen. Why? Ask him. ha! You can see me taking this photo. ha!

The big hits? A trampoline,

a keyboard,

and a drum set.

While Greg, Grant, and Brandy set up the trampoline (Brandy was the mastermind of the project!),

Kien and I played in the snow.

Jeremy was frustrated with the Rip-stick. I asked him to show me. I couldn't believe his ability to even get ON the thing, let alone ride it!!! He is going to be proficient quickly!

Brandy trying it out before completion:

We did some angels,

then a snowman!

The sun and temp were falling; Greg tested the trampoline before final completion,

and we went in for Christmas dinner of turkey, ham, and Cathi's special apple pie.


  1. Glad you got to spend Christmas with your Texas crew! What fun memories.

  2. Looks like a perfect day with the family! xo

  3. Great presents! Love that trampoline! (Sad that St. Nicholas isn't a part of it, but to each his own, eh?)
