Thursday, December 24, 2009

Snow Day

This morning, snowflakes started falling amidst the rain, but, by noon, snowflakes took over the show. (And we came from snowless Canada to Texas to get warm???)

Jeremy brought a snowball in for Kien!

When Kien awoke from his nap, Brandy and Jeremy had decorated more cookies, and Kien had a candy cane cookie for a snack.

Two inches had fallen by late afternoon with high winds creating drifts, and we went out to play!

Jeremy taught Kien to make an angel.

Isn't he adorable??!! He LOVED playing in the snow and was not eager to go inside in spite of the wind taking his breath away!

Cathi's front door wreath.

No one felt like eating birthday cake last night after our big dinner, so we had birthday cake tonight.

The plan was to go to the Christmas Eve Service after dinner, but... the weather was just too bad to be traveling, plus it was probably canceled.

Following dinner, Greg brought out a gift for Brandy and Jeremy to open. It was a book of devotions to teach self-respect to young people. Greg said that he was going "to read a story" -- the Introduction to the book and the first devotion. As he was reading, Kien asked to get down from his mother's lap to go to Grampy. She obliged for that request, but it was a ruse! The little rascal got down and RAN out of the room. Soon he was back bearing "Goodnight Moon." He insisted that Daddy said he was going to read a story!!!

Petting Dukie.

Brandy danced with Gabe.

All evening, Kien kept asking when we were going to church. He loves to go and couldn't understand why we weren't leaving when he knew we were supposed to!

The wet snow clothes were left at the front door to dry. Kien pulled his hat and mittens on to go outside again.

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