Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Family Day

We started the day with doggie park. Again only one little dog came along. Kevin found a long stick to play with...

...until Guinness broke it in two.

Uncle Gary, Aunt Ellen, Cousin John and Jillian, and little 2 year old Georgia arrived this morning to have lunch with us. We needed two more chairs in the dining room. Without saying anything, Kevin realized that, and rolled our two desk chairs from the den, through the living room, to the dining room! Since rolling chairs are not the best at the table, he had to roll them back where they came from.

Kevin had fun playing with Georgia and he loved Jillian who has been a Montessori teacher and knows how to challenge Kevin's mind.

Giving Georgia and Jillian a hug before they had to leave.

After John's family left, Aunt Diane arrived.

Kevin's great aunts and uncles brought him some cool gifts. One is a game with wooden blocks, but Kevin made up his own game. He stacked the hearth stool on top of the piano bench and arranged the blocks on top.

We had a Walsh family Christmas dinner this evening. We even had Walsh Christmas Pudding (a secret family recipe) for dessert and Kevin LIKED it!!! His Mommy did not like it as she hated raisins.

After dinner, Kevin made up another game: he brought each of us a small piece of red tissue paper rolled up. He told us to unroll our scrolls and read what it said. They were blank. Aunt Ellen went first. On hers, she read about coming to spend the day with us and about Kevin being with us. Uncle Gary was next. He quoted Robert Frost's poem - "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening." Aunt Diane quoted one of her father's favorites using words requiring proper enunciation -- wrists, ghosts, etc. Grampy tried to recite "Eletelephony" by Laura Richards. Grandma told William Blake's poem - "The Lamb." Then I ran upstairs to find the book of Frost's poem with Susan Jeffers' illustrations which I bought for Kevin waiting for him to be old enough for it. Today is the day!


  1. Yesterday I wrote a fairly lengthy comment and it was lost! I will try again today.... What a wonderful activity to "read" the red scrolls! All it takes is the creative mind of a child and wonderfully imaginative and fun adults to make it a memorable event! It all fell into place! Robert Frost visited my college (Agnes Scott) regularly and I still remember things that he said. I bought one of his books of poetry and had him autograph it. Then I gave it to my mother. I am going to peek in her bookcase and make sure it is still there.

  2. So awesome of everyone to play along, and what an awesome introduction to poetry :) Kevin is a very lucky boy to have such wonderful family!!

  3. Neat! I would love to try that pudding! : )
