Friday, December 11, 2009

Moving from House to Apartment

Steve sold his house with only six weeks between contract and closing -- not enough time to buy a new house. So they are moving to an apartment in the community where Steve thinks he would like to live. Renting will give him an idea if this is truly where he wants to be.

Last weekend, Steve hired a truck and movers to shuffle the boxes and all the heavy and big items. At Thanksgiving, I told him I could return if he needed help. He asked me to come settle the kitchen in the new apartment while he moved the remaining things.

Today was not a good travel day. Crosswinds prevented my intended plane from landing in Buffalo. It had to return its passengers to Philadelphia and left its oncoming passengers scrambling for flights. The last time this happened to me, while everyone was running back through security to the ticket counter, I called Karin! She booked me on another flight within minutes with no standing in line! Now that I have a Blackberry, I was able to do it for myself -- I looked up the airline on the Web, called their number, and was rebooked on a flight arriving at my destination only two hours late!

Steve and I picked up a U-Haul, Kevin from his after school program, went to dinner at McDonald's (I was starving and ate TWO Big Macs plus pie!), then to the house to sort what was to come to the apt. and what would go to storage. While I packed odds and ends for the apt., Steve loaded the truck. It was fairly late before we were ever back at the apt., and Steve was too exhausted to unload. I told him that Kevin and I could help. In no time the job was done!

Kevin found his Medieval Times flag and his Daddy's straw hat in a box.

1 comment:

  1. What a journey!!! (And I can't get over that you ate two Big Macs with pie! LOL!)
