Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve Day

We have had a late night every night, and they keep getting later. Kevin sleeps in to 8 or 9, but it isn't enough to catch up. This morning, his eyes were looking tired, and he needed his thumb and gankie. I realized that gankie needed to go downtown with us today.

Late morning, we, including gankie, took the GO Train to Toronto!

From Union Station, we had to walk all the way to the Princess of Wales Theatre -- but the walk was all underground in the catacombs of pathways!

We found a Tim Hortons (where I LOVE the sandwiches. Grampy usually refuses to eat one. ha!)! We had yummy sandwiches and a donut! Kevin liked his (except the lettuce). Grampy says his was "OK." Prejudices are had to change! ;-)

We were told as we entered the theater that no photos could be taken. So we took a photo after the performance, with the program, in the Path. What a fabulous show!!! Kevin LOVED it and wanted to sing along with the couple of songs that he knew. But he was very tired and did need gankie. I was surprised that I was moved by all the emotional scenes. Good thing I brought Kleenexes!

Then we passed an ad for the show in the Path.

It was a long walk back for a tired boy...

He had a nap on the train.

I passed him over to Grampy before our stop for Grampy to carry off the train.

Before 10:00, we drove to the NY's Eve fireworks in our city to ring in the New Year! We were able to stop along a curb. Since no one chased us away, we stayed warm and dry (it was drizzling out) yet enjoyed the sights. Some were silent shells, and Kevin wondered why. Of course, there were the booming and popping ones as well as sizzling, but there was a new sound that I had not heard before -- a scrapping sound. I told Grampy that my opinion of the show was a "fizzle," because they were mostly small shells. But they did include a shell I had never seen before: it looked like a tornado of white snowflakes spiraling upwards. We liked that one! They did a lot of layered, white bursts which were beautiful in the winter sky too.

On the way home, Kevin was watching his glowing Coke bottle (These were handed out to the crowd as the Olympic Torch passed in front of our house while we were at another event. Friends who watched gave this to me for Kevin.) He was pondering how the colors changed. His conclusion is that there are three painted bulbs inside and they turn on one at a time in sequence. Smart boy!


  1. Tim Hortons? Doesn't this place have the best coffee too? I've been to one in Buffalo-yum! Did I tell you I have family in Buffalo and they have a lake house on Silver Bay?

  2. What a journey! Trains are such fun!

  3. Oh, and you KNOW I love that photo by the Sound of Music poster. Got to show that one to Leia Rose . . . Every field she sees these days, she wants to go out there and twirl around. : )
