Sunday, June 6, 2010

Car Show Day

This morning, Cathi drove the family in the mini-van to MAACO while Greg drove his Colorado truck to have for display at the car show. He had to pull a couple of stunts showing Cathi that he can round a corner on a wheelie.

Then we returned home. Greg left again on his motorcycle to have it on display as well, and to set up his car show which started at 1:00. We went to church.

After naps, the family left for Greg's 2010 MAACO Car Show!

The parade of cars!

The boys rode around the show in style!

Kien meeting Joe's puppy.

The car show at MAACO in 100 degree heat.

Greg's project truck on display with its matching Corvette. The Corvette lives near the MAACO shop and had its paint job done at MAACO.

The Corvette is sandwiched between Greg's two trucks: the Colorado and the Tyclone.

Two proud owners.

Greg's boss holding Kien.

Greg announcing the prizes.

A winner!

Gabe and Grandma cooling it inside MAACO.

This child has red hair in the right lighting! From Great Grandma Della Walsh?

For dinner, Greg took us to Joe T. Garcia's in the Stockyards. You stand in line to get in. The restaurant is a walled compound of beautiful extensive gardens, patios, and sheltered areas. There are only two items on the menu: fajitas and enchiladas, making it easy to serve such a large crowd of people in a timely fashion.

That's Greg and family at the table behind the fountain.

1 comment:

  1. Um, AMAZING restaurant!!! . . . was it actually cool enough to eat outside by that time? The car show is really neat, too. Right up Kien's alley, of course.
