Monday, June 21, 2010

Life with the Faulkners

This morning (and yesterday), Kevin sang made up songs. Yesterday, he was humming a melody composed on the fly. Today, he was singing words along with his made up tune. I found the structure of his melodies fairly amazing! He used some complicated intervals plus one phrase was in a minor key. Silly Grandma cannot remember the topic of his song, let alone the words!!! I will try to pay closer attention next time. So he has a new talent added to his growing list of possible occupations: songwriter!

I think we can add artist or designer or crafter to the list as well. Besides the zigzag design illustrated in a photo yesterday, he decorated the envelope for his Father's Day card.

I was surprised at his sense of design. He might be a scrapbooker! That would please his mother so much!!! :) She was disappointed that he showed no interest in coloring or drawing. Maybe she is spurring him on from heaven!! :)

Kevin is in a YMCA program all day and LOVES it!

He is calling Jack crazy names such as Mrs. Potato Head and Mrs. Mommy. Last week, he told me on the phone that he was calling Jack, "Mommy." I assumed he was relating his love for the puppy and the puppy's love for him to the love he used to have with Mommy. That may be true, but, equally, he is being very silly about it.

So... all through the day, I am Jack's babysitter! He is VERY good despite his very sharp teeth and overactive jaws.

Well... I take that back a bit. While I applied my makeup, Jack was busy at my feet. I noted he had a piece of cardboard in his mouth. When I removed it, he went back to work on the floor with a vengeance. Then I saw that it was NOT cardboard I was holding, but a piece of vinyl flooring!!! I told Steve that maybe he can glue it back down on his moving day. ha!

I visited Karin's grave today. :'( The grass that I worked so hard to make grow last year is now dead. It appears they water that section, as it is green everywhere, except the plots along the sidewalk where currently reside only Karin and one other.

Later, at the grocery store, I gave the check-out clerk Steve's phone no. to punch in for the special discounts. In bringing his name up, she spoke of Karin and confirmed that she was one who always bought online and had the groceries brought out to her car!!!! She extended her sympathy mentioning Karin as a great loss. I thanked her for remembering Karin and speaking to me about her. It means a lot!

Heather (the former nanny) came over. Kevin is showing her some beads and the necklaces he made at camp.

We treated her at her favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate her new job -- a teller at an RBC bank!!!! (RBC = Royal Bank of Canada where we have a Canadian account and an American account.) Then toured her through the skeleton new house.

Quality Father and "son" time

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