Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Day of School

While the teen kids had their last half a day of school this morning, Cathi and I and the little ones went grocery shopping and accomplished other errands.

As Cathi said today, the little "Ham" is adept at entertaining himself. He contentedly plays and plays in the family room with toys for long stretches of time. Gabe weighs more than Kien now and wears size 18 mos. at almost 10 mos. of age, while Kien, nearly 3 years, is still wearing 12 mos. He may be tiny, but he is all boy!

Kien chose a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles, but, obviously, he was only interested in the chocolate.

Gabe still is not sure of Grandma. Sometimes I am OK, and other times, even Grandma's tricks are not enough to keep him happy.

Cathi volunteered to babysit for some friends this afternoon. Brandy and I took Kien and Kai for a wagon ride. It is so wonderful to be WARM in Texas! :)

Duke and Daisy are great buddies. They are my bed buddies while here! :)

(Big Sigh!) Cathi took Kien on a little jaunt on her "70" before bed. What's a grandmother to do???

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun trip, as always! : ) BTW, Annie eats doughnuts just like Kien. LOL>
