Sunday, June 13, 2010

Forgot a story!

As you may know from my post last Sunday, we had a BUSY morning! Hectic seems a fair description of that household on most days. Too many people with too much going on!

For instance: Brandy had dressed Kien, but had put corduroys on him on a 100 degree day! All of his shorts are in the laundry. I went in search of cotton pants; redressed him, only for his mother to declare those pants too short (Kien is growing!!!). So Mommy had to find some suitable pants.

Greg rushed out of his bedroom announcing that he needed to run to Walmart for something for the Car Show (he is asleep at this moment, so can't call. I'll fill in that detail later...). We also needed batteries for the remote control helicopter I bought for Jeremy for his birthday (Too bad I never captured a photo of him playing with it!). He had not opened it until Saturday as Greg had to take me to the store (miles away) where they were available (Let it be known -- I did give him a small gift ON his birthday). After coming home with the gift, we discovered Greg was out of the batteries it needs. So... Greg and I went to Walmart early Sunday morning (well... not so early. We were rushing and he wouldn't let me stop at Starbucks! :| ) -- he went in one door to find what he needed in the auto section plus batteries, while I went to the other end of the store for some donuts (their preferred Sunday morning breakfast food.)

Upon returning, I set the table, then sat at the kitchen counter, ready for church, with my laptop, until everyone appeared. Jeremy was the first, but was not ready for church. I reminded him that it was getting late and that he must get ready quickly. He retorted, "You aren't ready."

"Yes, I am!"

"You're wearing pjs."

"These are my expensive new slacks!"

"Well they look like expensive pjs."


  1. LOL about the slacks! : ) (Karin would LOVE those, I bet!!!) And, whew!, hectic is an understatement! : )

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Noelle: Karin would LOVE those pink pants!

  3. Oh my, the young will be frank. So will a close friend. I agree with Jeremy. It's part of your unique and confident personality. Love you always!!xo
