Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Dog Day of Summer

It was a very hot day today. I figured Kevin would be hot, tired, and hungry, so we went to have frozen custard before dinner! Sounded good to me! :)

Two ladies were there with an 18 mo. old golden retriever feeding him frozen custard! Kevin went to meet their dog, and they let him feed the dog! :)

Enjoying our custard.

Kevin jumped up on the fountain to clean up

and cool off!!!

Kevin mentioned yesterday, "I can't wait for Thanksgiving!"

"Why?" I asked.

"For pumpkin pie! I LOVE pumpkin pie!"

"You do? That's Grandpa's favorite too. But we don't have to wait for Thanksgiving. Do you like other pies?"

"Do you like cherry?"

"Yes! What about strawberry?" I am thinking we really don't want to turn the oven on in this weather!


"I'll make you a strawberry pie with the strawberries we picked the last time I was here."

After Kevin was at camp, Jack and I played fetch. I tried throwing the Frisbee yesterday, and he retrieved it three times. Today, it went on and on until I finally ended the game. He is a TRUE retriever! :)

I showed Kevin tonight how well Jack plays fetch. Kevin loved it, and played the game with Jack running back and forth while Kevin laughed and laughed. I had a tough time getting Kevin to stop at bedtime!


  1. What an AWESOME day! And, oh, I see that Kevin is in love with "silly bands" too. LOL. : )

  2. So much fun for both of you!! And who knew it could be so easy to live simply and innocently with a child. It seemed so complicated when I was a mom...
