Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lackadaisical Day

Kien often says, "Help," or "Help me," or "Help me please," when he wants out of bed or is stuck somewhere or has a problem. We found Kien in his toybox this morning saying, "Help." I was thinking: Yeah, Kien. Play with the toys IN the toybox! ha! That thought is reminiscent of a family joke when Grandpa Walsh said to little Greg, "That's a good boy. Keep the toys in the toybox!" as he was perusing which toy(s) to take out.

Today was garbage day. I made of point of listening for the truck to take Kien out to watch it at work. He loved it, of course! One of the garbage men said, "Maybe he can be a garbage man when he grows up." I think he would rather be the truck driver! Or probably the manager/owner of the company! :)

Mid-morning, I made a run with Jeremy and Kien to get Starbucks for Cathi and me. On the way home, we stopped to watch Brandy's 230 piece band practice their marching. We never did see Brandy (nor did she see us). We watched them work on fundamentals and "slides" with a metronome. Very interesting to see how they teach them to perform. Much different than my high-stepping band.

They are not actually playing their instruments; just holding them in position for playing.

Practicing "slides."

Jeremy noted this deer face (actually, it is Bambi's face) in the bark of a tree in the school parking lot! Very perceptive. Can you see it? I identified the nose and one eye to the right of where they appear. There is a mouth and antler too!

It was a lovely 81 degree morning. Kien put on unmatched outdoor shoes and asked to go outside, so we did! :)

After sliding, he ran back and forth between Duke and Daisy giving them a pat.

This afternoon I ran a bunch of shopping errands -- one being to buy more size 1 diapers for Gabe. Take a look at the box! That is GABE pictured on the box!!! That means that he is one of the 10 most beautiful babies in the world since he is pictured on the Pampers box! But Greg says he is cuter than the look-alike on the box!

No real pictures of Gabe today. He and Mommy stayed hidden in the bedroom all day. He wasn't awake much today at all. We'll see what happens tonight...


  1. I'm trackin' with you guys in Texas and love seeing the new babe Gabe with the other family members. Keep up the work Grandma Nina - - in your spare time :)

    I've commented before (but my comments did not get posted!).

    Gabe is just a beautiful baby. I'm so glad for him and for all of you!!

  2. That Bambi tree is amazing!!! So is the little pamper-baby Gabe! : )
