Monday, August 10, 2009

Life in a Sleep Deprived House

Mommy and Daddy had very little sleep last night as baby cried all night. Strange thing... We slept on the other side of their bedroom wall and never heard a thing. Greg brought us the baby around 6 AM, and we took over the duty. I fed him, and he went to sleep! No prob! Here Grandpa is dozing holding him with Daisy lounging beside them.

While Grant took Brandy to band camp, picked up Starbucks and bagels, plus bought lightbulbs, I put Gabe in his pumpkin seat (don't know what they are called today! ha!). He came with me in the bathroom while I showered and went wherever I went -- still sleeping even after Kien was up. By 10 AM, Mommy and Daddy had to take over again. Kien accompanied Daisy, Grandpa, and Grandma to the vet's. The diagnosis is that Daisy has an ulcer on her eye. She is on an anti-biotic and two different eyedrops. Kien saw a box with a litter of ten three-day-old boxer puppies and petted a young kitty. His response: "Soft," and wanted to pet the kitty more.

This afternoon, Kien said goodbye to Grandpa before his nap. We realized that Grandpa had to have his picture taken with Gabe because they matched today!

Gabe had some awake times this afternoon. Hopefully, they were enough to make him sleepy for the night tonight! It is nearly 11 PM, and he is crying now. Hopefully, that is a good sign for sleep tonight...


  1. Awww! Those first days are so very precious! How blessed you are to be able to experience them together! : )

  2. What a beautiful photo of Grant and Gabe! I definitely see Greg (and Nina) in Gabe's little face. He is such a beautiful baby. The G-men will certainly have a G-reat time together.

  3. I definitely see Greg and KARIN in that little face! :) I am sure Cathi is there too. Probably Cathi's mouth. The nose is both Karin's and Greg's. The hairline is Greg's (and mine). Unfortunately, it is now Grandpa's too! LOL

  4. Congratulations Walsh Family!!!
    Lovely pics of all!
    Gabe came into this world a BIG BOY.
    Little Kien looks wonderful so nice to see.
    Good Luck to you all on this joyous occasion.

    Jan & Aubrey
