Monday, August 17, 2009

Uncle Steve and Kevin Leave

This morning, Kevin made one more "fort" for Kien out of Kien's large family room toys, then he volunteered to read a story to Kien.

"Uncle" Steve was naturally drawn to this darling little boy whom he rescued from a life of poverty and abandonment.

Then he cradled Gabe; his first time to hold a newborn ever! :)

On the way to the airport, Kevin asked, "Grandma, do you ever live at your house?"
You know... Grandpa is asking the SAME question!!!

The rest of the day had ups and downs. The worst down is that Jeremy is sick. :\ the best ups are that Gabe and mommy are beginning to enjoy nursing, and Grandma held a wide awake baby! Also another thoughtful church family brought in dinner!!! Yum!


  1. Love the photo of Steve holding Gabe. Steve, you look so comfortable. Too bad that nice, helpful kiddo, Jeremy, is sick and let's hope it doesn't move right through the rest of the family!

  2. So nice to see so much of the family together! : )
