Saturday, July 17, 2010

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime!

Grandma made French toast with strawberries, whipped cream, and sausage for our Saturday breakfast. The boy chowed down and asked for more!

There is a steam powered paddlewheeler, The Chautauqua Belle, which runs from Chautauqua Institution to Mayville and back -- a 2 hour trip at 6 miles per hour. As we waited, we saw several momma ducks with babies.

Here she is coming into dock for the noon run.

The Captain invited a couple of boys and Kevin to come to the steering room to blow the whistle before leaving Mayville. I took a video, but it will not upload. If anyone knows the secret, let me know! Meanwhile, I did upload it to YouTube -- - sorry it is sideways. ha! Here is another on YouTube (not mine) which shows the sights and sounds of the boat accurately!

I think the ride is intended for people older than I am! Pretty slow and boring... ha! But now we have experienced it!

As we approached the end of our trip, I snapped some views of the Bell Tower.

Kevin wanted to swim, so we went to the public beach. I sat on the grass and read or snoozed while he played. He always find someone to play with!

Caught a shot of the Chautauqua Belle coming in to dock with Kevin playing with someone left of center.

You may be aghast that I would take a 6 year old to an opera! But this child ENJOYS classical music! He has loved the symphonies. He has been intrigued by the music practice huts which we pass daily on our way to and from our condo. Many times, he runs off to peek in a window to see the person practicing (although, I try to discourage that!). He has heard a tuba, piano, trumpet, drums, and several operatic vocalists. He is very intrigued by the opera singers and tries to vocalize as they do! A couple of days ago, we passed two young girls playing a Suzuki violin duet on the Plaza. They were playing a familiar classical tune. As we walked by, Kevin said, "I love that music!" I probably should have given him a dollar to throw in their music cases. Next time...

There are many beauties of Chautauqua. One is that concerts in a large venue are at the Amphitheater making it easy to leave at any point. Also, I choose a high, side seat close to the stage and two or three rows from the back. Thus, we have a great view, and a child can be fidgety or exit without disturbing many. You can even stand at the back or outside the fence, even with a dog as many do. All Amphitheater events are included in your daily ticket. Smaller venues do sometimes come with a fee, especially plays and operas.

Last night was the first time an opera, "Norma," has been performed in the Amp -- meaning that 5000 could attend plus no extra fee was required. Also meaning that children could attend the first part of the performance to get a taste.

Before the performance began, I snapped the set.

Kevin lasted through the first 45 minutes -- almost to the end of Act One.


  1. Sooo glad Kevin is getting these experiences!!
    Also quite jealous!!!!! Wish I were there!

  2. Nina, the secret to blogspot upload of video is SMALL files. I always have to use "standard" resolution. I always use fine, . . . so I'm always taping bad quality from the computer. If you find a better way, please PLEASE tell me! : )
