Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vet, Puzzles, and Game

Kevin found some balloons in a desk drawer today. He was pleased to learn that he can blow up a balloon!

Guinness had a vet appointment today for his annual shots. I booked it for the first appointment after lunch, so we were the only ones in the waiting room! He still was crazy, but less so without other dogs and owners to capture his attention.

The boy and dog kept each other entertained while waiting for the vet. The boy allowed the dog to go through the swinging door to the inner sanctum twice. Why do they have a swinging door there anyway? What are they thinking?

The vet said he can hardly believe that five years have gone by since Guinness was first in that office! He has gained a pound (now 78.8 lbs.) since he was there two months ago for a Heartworm test and medication.

We called Daddy today. You can see the elation on his face!

Grandma checked the attic for more activities and returned with a couple of games and puzzles which belonged to his mother. We started with the puzzles with the least amount of pieces. The Hook portrait of the head of Christ was a bit of a challenge, but Kevin dealt with it handily.

By evening, we started Karin's Wonder Woman puzzle. I did the frame, and he did most of the figure himself! I am sure that his mother never did either of these puzzles at age 6!

Games are not Kevin's forte. He does not understand the concept of winning AND losing. If he is not winning, he will blatantly cheat to be the winner. I am not sure how to help him with this issue. Perhaps if he is ever able to play a team sport, he will learn the object is not to be the perpetual winner, but to learn to be a good sport. Meanwhile, games are a very touchy subject! Mommy bought LOTS of games for him - many of them did not have a "winner," so they were fun for him.

We didn't try the games today, but Kevin mentioned he and his Daddy like to play golf. Oh?! News to me. So, I asked if he would like to try to learn to play croquet. I hoped that learning to control the ball would not broach the problem of winning and losing. I got out only two hoops and set them in the yard, then proceeded to show him how to hit the ball. He preferred to hit it in the style of playing golf which gives you no control for this game. Of course, he had no success, so tears ensued, yet he did not want to quit playing. I tried to explain that games are "fun," and, if he is going to cry, it is not fun. If he cannot try to play the game as Grandma instructs, then he will not be able to be successful and will be miserable. I finally convinced him that we needed to put the game away as he was destroying the hoops.


  1. Kevin has a very good imagination.. we have never played golf. I'm surprised he even knows that there is a game called golf! Must have learned about it at school.

  2. I can see Kevin's affinity for puzzles (as I think it relates well to his affinity for building and architectural skills). Sorry about the "game" issue. I think all kids go through this to some extent.
