Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Out of Sorts Day

Since Kevin got to bed late last night, I let him sleep until the last possible second. I dressed him as he lay in bed, gave him a yogurt to eat, and we both ate bananas as we walked to his bus stop which is in front of the building where I take my classes. He didn't like rushing yesterday to reach the bus stop, so I added 10 minutes to our walk time to allow for stalling time. When the bus arrived, he refused to get on saying that he wanted to spend the morning with me. We went to the library and read books. By the time we reached home, I was miserable. A relapse of my cold symptoms, fever, and sleeping sickness, from my first couple of days here two weeks ago, returned. I made Kevin lunch and went straight to bed. He complained at lunch that he legs were hurting. Yeah! Mine were too after first arriving -- getting used to all the extra walking! He had already told me he wanted to go to the afternoon program, so, at 1:30, we walked to the lakeshore. Fortunately, we were able to catch a tram part of the way.

I grabbed an iced latte, then took in a Book Presentation given by an author I know personally from here. She has just published her third cookbook: "A White House Garden Cookbook." The teacher of my class was there also. I explained why I missed class today, and he informed me they had left the handouts for me on the table in our room. I went over there, read some of my homework in AC comfort, then headed for the lakeshore to pick up Kevin.

He and his friend Tor were wrapped up in Kevin's towel, walking along together. Kevin did not see me, so I kept snapping. Sweet!
They started in the shadow of the building.

There are hundreds of bicycles at The Boys' and Girls' Club, all leaving at the same time. I think this poor grasshopper was run over by a bike. He was still alive, but barely. He came home with us.

Note the carefully mismatched shoes! I told him that I saw a teenage girl yesterday wearing one pink and one blue Croc.

I talked to Kevin about the possibility of renting a bike with training wheels for him to learn to ride. He has never been interested in wheels of any kind! He refused to ride a tricycle. Karin bought every kind imaginable, but it was not his interest! He does have a scooter, but he is not proficient with it. He admitted that he would be embarrassed if someone he knows saw him using training wheels, because he is old enough to ride without training wheels.

On the way home, we stopped for the Bat Chat for Kevin to learn more about bats. Initially, he did not want to stay long. Then as I was feeling progressively worse, I couldn't get him to leave.

We had toast and eggs for dinner and spent the evening with Grandma sleeping and Kevin watching TV.

1 comment:

  1. Are you feeling better now? Was it a strange sort of virus? Ugh. So sorry about htat.
