Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fame is on its Way

Kevin awoke at 8am, and the landscapers had already come and gone! They obviously were trying to finish their work before the excessive heat of the day (It was 100 today!). Kevin sobbed to learn he had missed them. He is so very eager to help!!! Another gift of his!

While eating breakfast, Kevin said, "It's a good thing salt and pepper is not rain. Or if it was, then everybody would be going Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!"

Kevin has learned quite a bit about yoga in his Montessori school. I suggested that we do my yoga video together this morning. I wasn't sure if he could/would follow a 20 minute program or not. He stuck with it and did very well!!! At one point, he told me I wasn't doing the push-up pose correctly! Of course, there are many moves his lithe body can do which mine cannot. I marvel at his cobbler pose. At the end, he showed me poses he knows which were not used in my video, including his most special accomplished pose --

He told me the reason we both had trouble with tree pose is because we were standing on plush carpeting. He said if we were on a flat carpet, it would be easier. I am sure he is right!

It is to be 100 degrees today! WOW! Love it! But the flowers don't unless they have lots of water, so we soaked the garden and he filled the swimming pool. It was much too glorious to come inside for lunch, so he had PB&J poolside. It is quite humid today, which "messed" up my camera, yet produced a great impressionistic photo!

These were taken with another camera.

Once when I looked out at him playing in the little pool, I saw what I thought was him drinking water out of his hand. I reprimanded him again for drinking pool water or any water out of a hose! He said he wasn't drinking water; he was kissing a roly poly!!!!! EEEEWWWWWW

The clay creations from art class were ready to come home today!

From top left, Kevin's has a cave, a flower, a snake, and a beaver. Note the detail on the beaver! Sadly, when he carried it to show Grampa, he dropped it, chipping an edge and breaking off the snake's forked tongue, which was very impressive, and denting the hard(?)wood floor. These pictures were taken post-accident.

Swim lesson this afternoon. His teacher told me he has the best breathing for his age of any student she has ever had!

We went to the Club for dinner tonight. They were having a jazz night, but we were sitting around the corner from the musicians. Kevin got up repeatedly to watch them. The guitarist came closer for Kevin's benefit!

When they took a break, he asked Kevin if he would like to play the keyboard! So he sat down and played his one song he has memorized from his piano lessons!!! Perfectly!!! His FIRST performance!!!! With no obvious nervousness and little shyness!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like lovin' on this wonderful boy is a very nice thing for you and Grandpa to share together. =)
